Tales of motherhood, business ownership, and family.
Mommies-to-be that come to me for photos always make my heart so glad. They are always filled with joy and anticipation, and if you have been pregnant, you know exactly what I mean. There is something so beautiful about, at the risk of sounding cliche, the miracle that is a new life. I sought out […]
You know how sometimes you think about the “what if’s” or “might have beens”? I know I have, but one thing I know for sure is that there’s no career I’d rather have than this one! Capturing the newness of life and the sweetness of a baby is truly the greatest privilege I could imagine. […]
Moms: they are pretty much always working on something, right? As a wife and mom (and proud grandma) myself, I know us moms wear quite a few hats! The moms who come into my studio, or who book a session for their little one, often come armed with lots of different ideas, and I really […]
So much has happened in the last few months, including lots of changes. Back in August, our area was greatly devastated by Hurricane Harvey…it left a path of mass destruction all along the Gulf Coast of Texas, and brought about 64 inches of rain into our area. We experienced mass flooding, and thousands of homes […]
Some parents have to go through quite a journey to have the family they dream of. My heart always goes out to those for whom pregnancy or adoption hasn’t come easily. I’ve heard of parents waiting years for an adoption to finalize, or jumping through the hoops of the court system to adopt a foster […]